Pipe Up! - The Word Workshop
Together with Publix – house for journalism and the public - WIR MACHEN DAS is launching the project ‘Pipe Up! - The Word Workshop’ for children and young people from the Berlin district of Neukölln.
From March 2025, the Pipe Up! project will offer a variety of workshops for children and young people from Berlin-Neukölln in close cooperation with schools around Publix. With our word workshops, we want to create a space in which young people can find their voice and develop their skills in writing and media projects. Neukölln-based journalist and filmmaker Schokofeh Kamiz is in charge of the project.
Pipe Up! is developing two programme lines for children aged 8 to 12 and for teenagers and young adults aged 16 to 20. The focus of the programme is on promoting the talent of children and young people. Pipe Up! particularly targets young people who come from families with migration and refugee experience and/or who grow up bilingually (e.g. Arabic, Turkish, Kurdish, Persian, Ukrainian). This specific bilingualism is conceptually recognised and promoted as a strength from the outset. Pipe Up! supports young people in articulating and critically reflecting on their concerns and questions in order to understand and engage as active members of society.
In our project work, we draw on the expertise, the team and the network of our international Weiter Schreiben (“Writing On”)programme, which includes numerous renowned multilingual (exiled) authors and mediators. The children and young people develop an output in all word workshop formats: This can be vlogs, podcasts, print products, online publications, social media formats or readings. With Pipe Up! – The Word Workshop, Publix opens up its spaces and shares its expertise with the young neighbourhood. In 2025, we are working together with Regenbogen-Grundschule-Neukölln and Albrecht-Dürer-Gymnasium. We are also developing a workshop format together with Bard College Berlin.
Publix was initiated by the Schöpflin Foundation to strengthen independent journalism and a democratic public sphere. The building at Hermannstraße 90 in Berlin-Neukölln opened in September 2024 and is a place for innovation, knowledge transfer and networking. From specialist conferences, discussions and readings to a book club for young people in the neighbourhood. The programme is aimed at everyone.
The Pipe Up! – Die Wortwerkstatt project is organised in cooperation with and funded by Publix.