The team behind the "we"

The team behind WIR MACHEN DAS (wearedoingit e.V.) seeks to strengthen the voices of those who view migration and diversity as an opportunity. We say no thank you to policies that exclude and humiliate. No to fear and hate, to violence and resentment. Instead we welcome a diverse and positive society, one that we will help create together.

WIR MACHEN DAS (wearedoingit e.V.) was founded in 2015 as an initiative by a network of over 100 women in arts, culture and academia.

Annika Reich

Annika Reich is co-founder and artistic director of WIR MACHEN DAS and Writing On. She writes novels and children's books for C. Hanser Verlag and columns for "10nach8" on Zeit Online.

Sophie Boitel, the Managing Director of WIR MACHEN DAS

Sophie Boitel

Sophie Boitel is the Managing Director of WIR MACHEN DAS. Her main areas of expertise include diversity in art and culture as well as equality of opportunity and participation. In her previous work stations she worked for the German Federal Cultural Foundation, the Genshagen Foundation and S27- Art and Education.

Dima Al Kalaji

Dima Albitar Kalaji

works as an editor, curator and author at WIR MACHEN DAS. She coordinates and proofreads Arabic texts for Weiter Schreiben. She likes long conversations, walks and dancing.

Lama AlHaddad

Lama AlHaddad

is the project manager and also responsible for event management for Writing On. In her free time, she enjoys cycling and visiting flea markets.

Bild von Patrick Kennedy. Foto: Juliette Moarbes

Patrick Kennedy

Patrick Kennedy is in charge of communications for WIR MACHEN DAS and a member of the management team. His aim is to strengthen the association's visibility through meaningful communication - without taking the air out of poetry. Likes black tea.


Maritta Iseler

is office manager, picture editor and sometimes project manager at WIR MACHEN DAS. The art historian studied in Berlin, has worked for picture agencies and literature festivals, has helped organise exhibitions and loves roller skating.

Juliette Moarbes

works as a picture editor for both WIR MACHEN DAS and Missy Magazine. She studied photography and media management and has a vocational training as a picture editor.

Portrait of Rebecca Ellsäßer @ private

Rebecca Ellsäßer

*1978 in Berlin, studied Romance languages and literature and worked as a freelance journalist. She has been supporting authors, publishers and institutions as a PR consultant for several years. With her November agency, she is on the road all year round in the service of literature.

Thao Nguyen

Thao Nguyen studied social sciences and is a political education expert. She is the project manager of the Meet Your Neighbours initiative "Safe Art Space" and also works for the assosiaction Migrationsrat Berlin e.V. In her free time, she enjoys cooking and being outdoors.

Natascha Baumgärtner

Natascha Baumgärtner

lives and works as a freelance illustrator in Berlin. Tascha is responsible for social media at WIR MACHEN DAS. When she's not drawing or making pottery, she's probably sitting in the park with a watermelon.

Christiane Kühl, Projektleiterin Weiter Schreiben

Christiane Kühl

Christiane Kühl lives in Berlin as an author, editor and theatre maker. She works as an editor for Writing on. Occasionally she also presents events or writes texts online for the project.


Elisabeth Wellershaus

Elisabeth Wellershaus lives and works as an author and editor in Berlin. She writes texts for WIR MACHEN DAS and edits magazines.

Photo: Juliette Moarbes